Posted date: Apr 11, 2023
by: Admin My Local Life
Got something to say?
Stuck with your writing and want to take it to the next level?
Tuesday Writing is an opportunity for new and experienced writers to take a fresh look at writing fact, fiction, poetry, and prose.
Classes begin April 25th
-and then-
Weekly, Tuesdays, 10:45 - 11:45
St. Francis Library
All writers - All levels
How much?
$10 per class, cash or check
What else?
Drop-in / begin any time
Class instructor, Star St. Claire is a published poet, essayist, and novelist with a teaching background in senior adult education. Star hold degrees in English, Art, and Writing from the University of Northern Colorado, Greely.
Each session will include instruction, group discussion, time to write, and an opportunity to share work.