Posted date: May 2, 2022
by: Dianna Padgett
The Ego is the guard at the door to the Self. His duty to the ensure that the Self fulfills its prime directive, to shine. He is steadfast and will do anything required to screen the Self from potential disharmony and accept those notes the Self can relate to. The ultimate aim is to increase the harmony. He has the ability to influence both the mind and the emotions and the self image reflected in the Mirror. He is very powerful but in reality is rather simple. He follows one directive - be the Front Man of the Self.
The Self, like its Original, simply IS. We DO. The Self is the perfect crystal of a perfect Consciousness, impervious to interacts, outside time and space. Its up to us to apply this perfection into our duality environment overcoming pains, loves, negative and positive effects of physicality. So who fashions the Ego? Who designs the masks? His orders are handed to him by the Inner Child early in it’s existence. If the Inner Child is not nourished and given it’s right to grow and learn from new experiences then the Ego is never given new orders. What the human Child experiences is the basis of the inner Child’s fear or confidence, If the human child is belittled or worse, beaten, or if it’s spoiled beyond repair, the Inner Child will devise masks as a response. It could be to hide or act invisible or it could be to attack first before damage can come to it or it could put on an air of superiority repelling any suggestion to the contrary. The Ego creates characterizations to deal with the world that the Inner Child says is out there. The need to talk continuously, the need to not express itself, the need be the center of attention and the life of the party, the need to be excessively reclusive; all reflect a defense against pain to the Inner Child.
Masks tried and true to the purpose of survival are fashioned based on childhood experiences. This can be overcome by nurturing the inner child and allowing it to grow and learn the wider world. The inner Child can tell the ego to let in new experiences, let someone else talk for a change. Make new masks. Sadly we all still need masks. The Self is too intense to be just hung out for all so see in public. But the masks need not be so fierce or so bland, they can be a little more transparent as courage and confidence is instilled in the inner Child.
How to strengthen the Inner Child? The Ego (that which your normally think of as your self) needs to spend time with her. Play, spend time taking hikes, encourage interaction with as many different situations as possible. They should do this together so they both can out grow child hood experiences and the Ego is not burdened with outer world defenses and can work on being, as much as possible, the outer mask of the Higher Self.
We are born into a society that may or may not accept the perfection that is that particular Self. We have have hormones and pheromones used in the operation of the physical body that exert influence over its mental and emotional state. Being your True Self is not an easy task. And why else are we here but to bring our beauty into this narrow band of frequencies called the physical world. Finding and being our True Selves is an art form sadly forgotten. You can’t be your Self until you know your self. Peal away the layer that was your parents, your peers, your social rank and ‘responsibilities’, the constant manipulation accosting you from television, movies and radio. What is left? You start to see yourself for what you really are. It’s scary because we all feel like we will find something worthless. But it never is. There is a recognition of purpose and peace that can be found no other way.
Find the way that best suits you to turn off the constant chattering of the mind. The mind is a loyal dog to the Ego and will convince you of anything the Ego wants to believe. Shut that down long enough to feel the Self come through. Take note of the Shadow and recognize it for what it is. Get help from other aspects of the subconscious to absorb this Shadow to gain it’s strength and subdue it’s maliciousness. Keep and eye on the Trickster. When he starts acting up figure out why. He’s trying to tell you something. And check the mirror regularly. Is it really you or some image you think you should be? Gain strength from the Hero and wisdom from the Sage. Rest in the nourishment of the Mother and drink in the encouragement from the Father. The Child will reevaluate the role of the Ego. He won’t need to pretend to be King of the World or Scum of the Earth. He can become the outward face of an inward perfection. This doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone will love you, society also needs to find it’s True Self and I don’t see that happening anytime soon. But the Ego can slowly become the cautious greeting to the Higher Self.
i; A + B = C; B + C = D; C + D = E; etc. You can put any two numbers in as A and B, positive, negative, fractions the relationship between two adjacent sums gets closer and closer to Phi, the Golden Mean. You can get to 1.618 in 10 or so steps.