113 W Washington St.
St. Francis, KS 67756
[email protected]
9 to 5ish
Mon - Fri
From cleaning the junk off of your computer, operating system upgrades and reloads. I will upgrade the hardware in your computer, or it is a lost cause, I will help you shop for a new one.
I run wire or install wireless access points through your home or office to build your network or connect cameras in a surveillance system.
If you need a custom website, specifically built to your company's needs, I am able to get it up and running, SEO optimized, tied in to social networks, and mobile device ready. This website is an example.
I am here to help you get over your computer and electronics woes, whether I fix the issue, help you shop for a replacement, or teach you how fix or avoid a problem in the future. Come in and we'll get it fixed.