Practical Qabalah Lesson 4 Tree in Yesod 7 – Mirror

Posted date: Mar 23, 2022
by: Dianna Padgett
The underlying premise for these lessons is that the Original One says ‘I Am’, ‘Who am I?’ and ‘I Am That I Am’; meaning: Consciousness, Reflection, and Expansion. The Expansion creates vibrational reality and a means to interact and create and is ruled by the mathematical relationship of the Golden Mean1. Seeking out the Reflection denotes will and duality and is ruled by the square root of 22. And Consciousness is the foundation of reality as we are able to perceive it and is ruled by the mathematical concept of One.

For the individual that has asked the question ‘Who am I’ there is a Mirror waiting patiently to answer. At first glance one sees the outer flesh mask including the etchings of time, maybe the soul peeks out from the eyes and around the mouth. But the image doesn’t address the real identity, the one the soul hungers to see. What is the real person, not the imagined or hoped for, not the false front.

The Mirror begins to show your life from your eyes: daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, soon to be great-grandmother, friend, lover, animal feeder, seed planter etc. Just on the surface it’s evident that no one else living or ever born could have those all those relationships to those specific individuals. Looking deeper you see your likes and dislikes, what makes you laugh or cry, what do you make or read or speak. It becomes clear that the evidence of who you are is determined by your interactions with the world around you. You scowl at that image looking back at you. No, that’s not what I want. Who am I, Me, What makes me ME?

So the Mirror refocuses. After the blur starts to congeal into a pattern you start to see colors and hear notes and smell sounds and feel lights. Visually, they coalesce into intertwining wave patterns. One wave crosses another and the sound or color changes a bit. In this sea of waves a symphony rises, images come forward and recede in a grand dance, all senses are stimulated in a banquet of potentiality. “Now,” Mirror whispers, “is there a tone or color or feeling that is constant throughout this cornucopia of feeling? Something that resonates? That’s you.”

A note is an aspect of the One looking at itself. It is a bit of the Original Consciousness that has willed to know itself. Each note has infinite octaves and infinite interactions. Some interactions aid to a shift into a different harmonious octave and some have the opposite effect and produce discordance and pain. This prompts a Shadow or Trickster to raise a warning Something’s out of whack. The Mirror allows you to see on the surface but, more importantly, to feel why there is a problem. Say you start saying and doing things you don’t intend; snapping, being unnecessarily critical, something, anything that isn’t ‘you’. Maybe you are feeling guilt over a wrong you inflicted or angst over a wrong repressed. Go to the mirror within your subconscious. Seek out and resonate with the note or color or feeling that is you. Continue to delve down into it without thinking. At some point you will find the cause of the discordance. Images might come to mind and you will feel the pain of something that happened. It must be felt but not judged. It just needs to be adjusted. Try to get a feel of the interacting note that caused the discordance. This will give some indication of which aspect of the Subconscious will aid in your recovery.

Child looks in the Mirror seeking help with a growing Shadow that hides in the cranny’s of the Subconscious and occasionally runs out and snaps orders mixed with insults then runs back to its hiding place. Child relaxes, stops thinking and just listens and watches the colors and feels the feelings. Soon she finds the tone she resonates with, finds peace and purpose in it, then follows it down to a point where the note is agitated or broken. The intersecting note carries memories, scents, sounds, pain. Child needs to look at this pain, feel it, in order to understand what happened. But, just as looking at a knife won’t heal the cut, she looks, rather, at the wound. Does it need stitches or will a balm and band-aid do? She listens and feels and the aspects of her Subconscious that can help come forward. They all want to help but some can help in this situation more than the others. Father says “Buck up! You can get through this.” Mom gives the wound a kiss. Sage says “Think of your Mom and Dad. What were they going through? They were people just like you. Feel yourself in a river and let their mistakes and your pain wash away with the water. Feel the wound wash clean. Feel it heal.” Hero says “Remember, Breathe.” And they all say “Feel.”

Next lesson is "The Ego". To see prior lessons go to:

1 - Golden Mean – Phi - 1.618 – (Reference to my translation located at ) In Genesis 1:1 the letters in create Elohim - create a r b (203) One a (1) expansion l (30) consciousness h (5) manifest y (10) vessel m (40) equal 289. The letters in manifesting the Vessel of evolving humanity - manifest y (10) Vessel m (40) evolve v (6) humanity h t a (406) equal 462 462/289=1.6 The act of creating the Elohim “Creator Gods”/ the Circle - Pi – 3.1415 culminates in the manifestation of the vessel of evolving humanity at a rate of Phi. Implying, perhaps, that humanity is the Elohim?
2 - In Genesis 1:1 (ibid ) The following letters appear (my translation): Manifest y (10) vessel m (40) One a (1) reciprocal t (400) sans zeros is 1414 or 1.414 which is the square root of 2. Consider a square that is 1 on each side. One side is the Original One. The perpendicular line represents its reflection or the ‘manifest vessel’. One side is in that singular dimension of unification or of potentiality, of chaos, any way you would like to see it. The 90 degree angular side is the focusing of this into another dimension. The relationship of the potential to the focused application, the diagonal between the two sides, is 1.414 ‘manifest vessel of One’s reciprocal ’. The reciprocal applied to a new dimension produces duality, hence space, sequence, intellect, vessel.
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